" It was an honour and privilege to have worked with Andrea Jäger. When I started a new role at the European headquarters Andrea’s support and encouragement enabled me to perform to the best of my abilities. She was always able to provide a clear strategic direction for the team, and empowered us to deliver high quality work. I was really inspired and engaged by Andrea’s natural people skills, and her ability to communicate both complex strategic thinking, as well as pragmatic operational tactics. In front of audiences large and small I witnessed Andrea deliver some of the most compelling presentations that I have seen in my career to date. A truly outstanding manager and a charismatic communicator."

Mit Andrea zu arbeiten ist immer eine Bereicherung für mich gewesen. Besonders geschätzt habe ich dabei Ihre Art Diskussionen zu führen und anzuregen, in denen Sie Situationen hinterfragt und damit neue Denkanstöße gibt. In der Diskussion ist Andrea immer auf das Ergebnis fokussiert, zeigt dabei Geduld für Details, verliert aber niemals das große Ganze aus den Augen und ist sehr darauf bedacht, dass Synergien in der Zusammenarbeit genutzt werden. Ihre offene, kommunikative Art und ihre außerordentliche Fachkompetenz machen Sie zu einem perfekten „Sparringspartner“, da im Austausch mit Andrea oft neue, manchmal auch ungewöhnliche Lösungen entstehen, die mir in meiner eigenen Arbeit mehrfach weitergeholfen haben. "

" I worked with Andrea over several years in the context of multiple and cross-functional brand related projects and activities. She led the European Brand team for our major cardiovascular products and was also the key EU representative in the global brand strategy team as well as in other global related processes. I feel privileged, that I had the opportunity to work with Andrea and was always impressed and inspired by her sound expertise and professional attitude even in the most challenging environments. The performance, creativitiy and strategic visions of her were always top of the list, timelines were always reached or even overachieved and with the highest standard of quality. She is a very gifted leader, an out of the box thinker and very strategic in her approach to reach complex goals. Her professional, open and straight forward style of communication and performance won her the trust and respect from all internal partners on the global, European as well as on the affiliate level. She was also a trusted and highly respected partner for all external key partners she was working with in different projects, spanning from vendors, pharmaceutical peers up to global leading medical-scientific experts. Her highly valued and always appreciated expertise, views, ideas and visions contributed substantially and sustainably to the continued success of the companies core brands. "